

Markdown Support

Just because Lancer is html-first doesn't mean you have to give up nice writing formats like Markdown.

Instead of inventing a new syntax or file type, Lancer gives you access to a simple, yet extremely powerful concept: Custom <template> tags.

Let's look at an example. Say you have this html file:

<page title="My Page With Markdown">

<template type="markdown">
# Blog: {{page.title}}

This is just a plain old `<template>` tag. *Super* cool!

Note the type="markdown". Lancer does not have special support for markdown, but it does allow you to transform template content!

All you need to do is specify the transform in your site.config.js file:

import marked from 'marked'

export default {
  name: "My Site",
  // ...
  templateTypes: {
    markdown(innerHtml) {
      return marked(innerHtml)

And that's it! Lancer will feed the content of your templates (with type="markdown") into your templateTypes.markdown function, and replace it with the output of that function. In this case you'll get:

<!doctype html>
<h1>Blog: My Page With Markdown</h1>

<p>This is just a plain old <code>&lt;template&gt;</code> tag. <i>Super</i> cool!</p>

Again, this isn't markdown specific; you can specify any template type you want and use it in your code. Have fun with it!